Who's in trouble? Al Gore. John S. Herold Inc. analyst Nate Gagnon says T. Boone Pickens’ energy plan is better developed than Al Gore’s. Gore is counting on continuing advances in renewable energy technologies to drive down costs and increase generating capacity, while anticipating that fossil fuel prices will continue to rise, Gagnon says. This makes his ten-year timetable very ambitious. Spain's tennis team gets in trouble for a racist pose during a team shot. Spain Tennis Team Google is in trouble. Apple has now surpassed Google as the new king of Silicone Valley. Who might be in trouble? China's women's gymnastics team might be in trouble. To me, all of those Chinese gymnasts look like they're under 16, but apparently one of the girls might really be breaking the new Olympic age rule. It seems she has skipped from 13 years old to 16 since December 2007. Maybe she found a time machine none of us know about... Chesapeake is drilling in the Barnett, which probably means they are not in trouble financially. But they're doing so in downtown Fort Worth, which could get them in trouble with business owners and environmentalists. Fort Worth Who's dancing in the sunshine while others look on in jealousy? Michael Phelps is swimming victory laps in the sun. With only six out of his eight races completed, he already holds the record for the highest number of Olympic medals won by any athlete. But is he the greatest athlete of all time? To be debated. XTO is stockpiling and basking in the glory. In case you haven't heard yet, he company topped off a phenomenal 12-month flurry with its $4-billion-plus mega-deal announced acquisition of privately owned Hunt Petroleum Corp. in early June. Happy weekend, everyone!