Devon Energy Corp. chairman and chief executive Larry Nichols addressed some 800 attendees at this year's Developing Unconventional Gas conference in Fort Worth this week, hosted by Oil and Gas Investor and E&P magazines, publications of Hart Energy Publishing. His thoughts on the Haynesville shale: "You don't drill a couple of wells and say anything is the next Barnett shale." Chesapeake Energy Corp. is saying the play in northwestern Louisiana is the biggest the company has been in. For the full Chesapeake report, see: chesapeakehaynesvillepressrelease32408.pdf. For more on Nichol's comments, see the April 7 issue of Oil and Gas Investor This Week. For a sample issue, contact Attrice Hunt, --Nissa Darbonne, Executive Editor, Oil and Gas Investor, A&D Watch, Oil and Gas Investor This Week,;